Real-time GPU Accelerated Spectra (Interactive)¶

Example using GPU sliders and GPU calculation with eq_spectrum_gpu()

This method requires CUDA compatible hardware to execute. For more information on how to setup your system to run GPU-accelerated methods using CUDA and Cython, check GPU Spectrum Calculation on RADIS


in the example below, the GPU code runs on CPU, using the parameter emulate=True. In your environment, to run the GPU code with the full power of the GPU, remove this line or set emulate=False (default)

plot gpu widgets
HITEMP keep only relevant input files: ['/home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_02125-02250_HITEMP2010.hdf5', '/home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_02250-02500_HITEMP2010.hdf5']
HITEMP keep only relevant input files: []
HITEMP keep only relevant input files: ['/home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_02125-02250_HITEMP2010.hdf5', '/home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_02250-02500_HITEMP2010.hdf5']
Number of lines loaded: 1128265

Finished calculating spectrum!
1.19s - Spectrum calculated
Spectrum Name:  CO2-hitemp-radisdb-1100.0K-#1168
Spectral Quantities
   abscoeff     [cm-1]  (150,001 points)
   absorbance   (150,001 points)
   emissivity   (150,001 points, 242 nans)
   emissivity_noslit    (150,001 points)
   transmittance_noslit         (150,001 points)
   radiance_noslit      [mW/cm2/sr/cm-1]        (150,001 points)
   transmittance        (150,001 points, 242 nans)
   radiance     [mW/cm2/sr/cm-1]        (150,001 points, 242 nans)
Physical Conditions
   Tgas                 1100.0 K
   Trot                 1100.0 K
   Tvib                 1100.0 K
   isotope              1,2,3
   mole_fraction        0.8
   molecule             CO2
   overpopulation       None
   path_length          0.2 cm
   pressure_mbar        1000.0 mbar
   rot_distribution     boltzmann
   self_absorption      True
   state                X
   thermal_equilibrium  True
   vib_distribution     boltzmann
   wavenum_max          2450.0000 cm-1
   wavenum_min          2150.0000 cm-1
Computation Parameters
   NwG                  3
   NwL                  6
   Tref                 296 K
   broadening_method    voigt
   cutoff               0 cm-1/(
   dbformat             hitemp-radisdb
   dbpath               /home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_02125-02250_HITEMP2010.hdf5,/home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/CO2-02_0225...
   default_output_unit  cm-1
   emulate_gpu          True
   folding_thresh       1e-06
   include_neighbouring_lines  True
   memory_mapping_engine  auto
   neighbour_lines      0 cm-1
   norm_by              area
   optimization         simple
   parfuncfmt           hapi
   parsum_mode          full summation
   pressure             1.0
   profiler             {'spectrum_calculation': {'scaled_S0': 0.03147624399571214, 'calc_other_spectral_quan': 0.0132299820...
   pseudo_continuum_threshold  0
   radis_version        0.13.1
   slit_FWHM            0.24
   slit_dispersion      None
   slit_dispersion_threshold  0.01
   slit_function        0.24
   slit_shape           triangular
   slit_unit            cm-1
   sparse_ldm           auto
   spectral_points      150000.0
   truncation           50 cm-1
   waveunit             cm-1
   wstep                0.002 cm-1
   zero_padding         -1
Config parameters
   calculation_time     1.192465706000803 s
   chunksize            None
   db_use_cached        True
   dxG                  0.13753507880165727
   dxL                  0.20180288881201608
   export_lines         False
   export_populations   None
   export_rovib_fraction  False
   levelsfmt            radis
   lines_calculated     1,128,265
   load_energies        False
   lvl_use_cached       True
   parfuncpath          None
   total_lines          1128265
   warning_broadening_threshold  0.01
   warning_linestrength_cutoff  0.01
   wavenum_max_calc     2450.0000 cm-1
   wavenum_min_calc     2150.0000 cm-1

from radis import SpectrumFactory

# from radis.test.utils import getTestFile
from import ParamRange

## Add an experimental file :
# my_file = getTestFile("CO2_measured_spectrum_4-5um.spec")  # for the example here
# s_exp = load_spec(my_file)
# s_exp.crop(4120, 4790).plot(Iunit="mW/cm2/sr/nm")
## This spectrum is significantly absorbed by atmospheric CO2
## so it will never match the synthetic spectrum.
## TODO: find different spectrum for this example.

sf = SpectrumFactory(
    2450,  # cm-1


s = sf.eq_spectrum_gpu_interactive(
    Tgas=ParamRange(300.0, 2500.0, 1100.0),  # K
    pressure=ParamRange(0.1, 2, 1),  # bar
    mole_fraction=ParamRange(0, 1, 0.8),
    path_length=ParamRange(0, 1, 0.2),  # cm
    slit_FWHM=ParamRange(0, 1.5, 0.24),  # cm-1
    emulate=True,  # if True, runs CPU code on GPU. Set to False or remove to run on the GPU
    plotkwargs={"wunit": "nm"},  # "nfig": "same",


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.881 seconds)