Download the HITEMP database¶

Database will be downloaded automatically and can be edited locally.

To compute a spectrum with the HITEMP database, see the Calculate a HITEMP spectrum example

By default the database is returned as a Pandas DataFrame. To explore huge databases (like CO2, CH4 or H2O) that do not fit in RAM, RADIS allows you to use a Vaex DataFrame instead (out-of-RAM). See the Explore Database with Vaex example

from import fetch_hitemp

df = fetch_hitemp("OH")
Downloading 13_HITEMP2020.par.bz2 for OH (1/1).
Download complete. Parsing OH database to /home/docs/.radisdb/hitemp/OH-13_HITEMP2020.hdf5
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:219: RuntimeWarning: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 80 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
Added HITEMP-OH database in /home/docs/radis.json
Index(['id', 'iso', 'wav', 'int', 'A', 'airbrd', 'selbrd', 'El', 'Tdpair',
       'Pshft', 'globu', 'globl', 'locu', 'locl', 'ierr', 'iref', 'lmix', 'gp',


Index(['id', 'iso', 'wav', 'int', 'A', 'airbrd', 'selbrd', 'El', 'Tdpair',
       'Pshft', 'globu', 'globl', 'locu', 'locl', 'ierr', 'iref', 'lmix', 'gp',

Columns are described in columns_2004

A specific can be retrieved with the same fetch_hitemp() function. The already downloaded database will be used:

df = fetch_hitemp("OH", load_wavenum_min=31500, load_wavenum_max=33000, isotope="1")
df.plot("wav", "int")
plot hitemp OH database

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.983 seconds)