Calculate and handle spectraΒΆ

Computation of spectra, with redondancy of some modules in the examples. Benchmark of the RADIS code can also be found in \radis\test\benchmark.

Blackbody radiation

Blackbody radiation

Compare CO cross-sections from HITRAN, HITEMP, GEISA, and ExoMol

Compare CO cross-sections from HITRAN, HITEMP, GEISA, and ExoMol

Compare CO spectrum from the GEISA and HITRAN database

Compare CO spectrum from the GEISA and HITRAN database

Calculate a spectrum from ExoMol

Calculate a spectrum from ExoMol

Calculate a full range spectrum

Calculate a full range spectrum

Calculate a large spectrum by part

Calculate a large spectrum by part

Calculate non-LTE spectra of carbon-monoxide

Calculate non-LTE spectra of carbon-monoxide

See populations of computed levels

See populations of computed levels