radis.test.lbl.test_loader module¶

Created on Mon May 7 17:34:52 2018

@author: erwan

test_custom_abundance(verbose=True, plot=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶

Test calculatinos with custom abundances

set the terrestrial abundance to False to force computation of linestrength from Einstein coefficients instead of rescaling parameters

get_abundance(), set_abundance()


Previous implementation of RADIS saved the cached h5 files generated while reading the dataset in the same directory from where the data was being read. Using a wildcard input such as path = "cdsd_hitemp_09_frag*" in such case led to the cached files present in directory to also being loaded and treated as the dataset files. This resulted in an error due to the differences in the way data is stored in h5 files versus in dataset files such as par, txt, etc.

Reference: https://github.com/radis/radis/issues/121

test_ignore_irrelevant_files(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶

Implemented in https://github.com/radis/radis/pull/185

  • Test that calculating with cache files outside the spectral range they

are properly ignored

test_retrieve_from_database(plot=False, verbose=True, warnings=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶

Test autoretrieve from a database:

first generate an empty SpecDatabase associated to a :py:class`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory`, then calculate a first spectrum, then calculate it again and make sure it is retrieved from the database