radis.test.lbl.test_overp module¶

Created on Tue Nov 21 08:56:12 2017

@author: erwan


Run all tests:

>>> pytest       (in command line, in project folder)

Run only fast tests (i.e: tests that have a ‘fast’ label)

>>> pytest -m fast

run_testcases(verbose=True, plot=False, warnings=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
test_3Tvib_vs_1Tvib(verbose=True, plot=False, warnings=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶

Compare 3-vibrational Temperature algorithm with 1 vibrational temperature algorithm, at equilibrium. Expect same output.

test_direct_overpopulation_vs_recombined_bands(verbose=True, plot=False, warnings=True, rtol=0.05, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶

Compare a non-equilibrium spectrum calculated directly with overpopulations, or by recombining pre-calculated vibrational bands.

The later allows for almost instantaneous changes of the overpopulation factors, (mostly useful in fitting algorithms), but is only valid for optically thin emission spectra

Expected output:

when x_CO2 = 1e-3, radiance in both cases match when x_CO2 = 1, they dont