radis.spectrum.compare module¶


Functions to compare and plot comparison of Spectrum objects

Routine Listings¶

averageDistance(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var='radiance')[source]¶

Return the average distance between two spectra. It’s important to note for fitting that if averageDistance(s1, s2)==0 then s1 = s2

  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – spectra to be compared

  • var (str, optional) – spectral quantity (ex: ‘radiance’, ‘transmittance’…)


distance – Average distance as in the following equation:

\[dist = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_i {(s1_i-s2_i)^2}}}{N}.\]

Return type


compare_spectra(first: Spectrum, other: Spectrum, spectra_only=False, plot=True, wunit='default', verbose=True, rtol=1e-05, ignore_nan=False, ignore_outliers=False, ignore_conditions=['calculation_time'], normalize=False, **kwargs) bool[source]¶

Compare Spectrum with another Spectrum object.

  • first (type Spectrum) – a Spectrum to be compared

  • other (type Spectrum) – another Spectrum to compare with

  • spectra_only (boolean, or str) – if True, only compares spectral quantities (in the same waveunit) and not lines or conditions. If str, compare a particular quantity name. If False, compare everything (including lines and conditions and populations). Default False

  • plot (boolean) – if True, use plot_diff to plot all quantities for the 2 spectra and the difference between them. Default True.

  • wunit (‘nm’, ‘cm-1’, ‘default’) – in which wavespace to compare (and plot). If default, natural wavespace of first Spectrum is taken

  • rtol (float) – relative difference to use for spectral quantities comparison. absolute difference atol is set to 0.

  • ignore_nan (boolean) – if True, nans are ignored when comparing spectral quantities

  • ignore_outliers (boolean, or float) –

    if not False, outliers are discarded. i.e, output is determined by:

    out = (~np.isclose(I, Ie, rtol=rtol, atol=0)).sum()/len(I) < ignore_outliers
  • ignore_conditions (list) – do not compare the metadata of these keys

  • normalize (bool) – Normalize the spectra to be plotted

Other Parameters

kwargs (dict) – arguments are forwarded to plot_diff()


equals – return True if spectra are equal (respective to tolerance defined by rtol and other input conditions)

Return type



Compare two Spectrum objects, or specifically the transmittance:

s1.compare_with(s2, 'transmittance')

Note that you can also simply use s1 == s2, that uses compare_with() internally:

s1 == s2       # will return True or False
get_default_units(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var=None, wunit='default', Iunit='default')[source]¶

Get wunit, Iunit for var; compatible with both spectra s1 and s2

  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects)

  • var (str, or None) – spectral quantity to plot (ex: 'abscoeff'). If None, plot the first one in the Spectrum from 'radiance', 'radiance_noslit', 'transmittance', etc.

  • wunit ('default', 'nm', 'cm-1', 'nm_vac') – wavespace unit: wavelength air, wavenumber, wavelength vacuum. If 'default', use first spectrum wunit

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default', use first spectrum unit


  • var (str) – variable (evaluated if input was None)

  • wunit, Iunit (str) – units (evaluated if input was 'default')

get_diff(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var, wunit='default', Iunit='default', resample=True, diff_window=0)[source]¶

Get the difference between 2 spectra.

Basically returns w1, I1 - I2 where (w1, I1) and (w2, I2) are the values of s1 and s2 for variable var. (w2, I2) is linearly interpolated if needed.

\[dI = I_1 - I_2\]
  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – 2 spectra to compare.

  • var (str) – spectral quantity (ex: 'radiance', 'transmittance'…)

  • wunit ('nm', 'cm-1', 'nm_vac') – waveunit to compare in: wavelength air, wavenumber, wavelength vacuum

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default' use s1 unit for variable var

  • medium (‘air’, ‘vacuum’, default’) – propagating medium to compare in (if in wavelength)

Other Parameters
  • resample (bool) – if not True, wavelength must be equals. Else, resample s2 on s1 if needed.

  • diff_window (int) – If non 0, calculates diff by offsetting s1 by diff_window number of units on either side, and returns the minimum. Compensates for experimental errors on the w axis. Default 0. (look up code for more details…)


w1, Idiff – difference interpolated on the wavespace range of the first Spectrum

Return type



Uses curve_substract() internally

get_distance(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var, wunit='default', Iunit='default', resample=True)[source]¶

Get a regularized Euclidian distance between two spectra s1 and s2

This regularized Euclidian distance minimizes the effect of a small shift in wavelength between the two spectra

\[D(w_1)[i] = \sqrt{ \sum_j (\hat{I_1}[i] - \hat{I_2}[j] )^2 + (\hat{w_1}[i] - \hat{w_2}[j])^2}\]

Where values are normalized as:

\[\hat{A} = \frac{A}{max(A) - min(A)}\]

If waveranges dont match, s2 is interpolated over s1.


This is a distance on both the waverange and the intensity axis. It may be used to compensate for a small offset in your experimental spectrum (due to wavelength calibration, for instance) but can lead to wrong fits easily. Plus, it is very cost-intensive! Better use get_residual() for an automatized procedure.

  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – Spectrum

  • var (str) – spectral quantity

  • wunit ('nm', 'cm-1', 'nm_vac') – waveunit to compare in: wavelength air, wavenumber, wavelength vacuum

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default' use s1 unit for variable var

  • medium (‘air’, ‘vacuum’, default’) – propagating medium to compare in (if in wavelength)


Uses curve_distance() internally

get_ratio(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var, wunit='default', Iunit='default', resample=True)[source]¶

Get the ratio between two spectra Basically returns w1, I1 / I2 where (w1, I1) and (w2, I2) are the values of s1 and s2 for variable var. (w2, I2) is linearly interpolated if needed.

\[R = I_1 / I_2\]
  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – Spectrum

  • var (str) – spectral quantity

  • wunit ('nm', 'cm-1', 'nm_vac') – waveunit to compare in: wavelength air, wavenumber, wavelength vacuum

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default' use s1 unit for variable var


Uses curve_divide() internally

get_residual(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var, norm='L2', ignore_nan=False, diff_window=0, normalize=False, normalize_how='max', wunit='default', Iunit='default') float[source]¶

Returns L2 norm of s1 and s2

For I1, I2, the values of variable var in s1 and s2, respectively, residual is calculated as:

For L2 norm:

\[res = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_i {(s_1[i]-s_2[i])^2}}}{N}.\]

For L1 norm:

\[res = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_i {|s_1[i]-s_2[i]|}}}{N}.\]
  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – if not on the same range, s2 is resampled on s1.

  • var (str) – spectral array

  • norm (‘L2’, ‘L1’) – which norm to use

Other Parameters
  • ignore_nan (boolean) – if True, ignore nan in the difference between s1 and s2 (ex: out of bound) when calculating residual. Default False. Note: get_residual will still fail if there are nan in initial Spectrum.

  • normalize (bool, or tuple) – if True, normalize the two spectra before calculating the residual. If a tuple (ex: (4168, 4180)), normalize on this range only. The unit is that of the first Spectrum by default (use wunit to change). Ex:

    s_exp   # in 'nm'
    s_calc  # in 'cm-1'
    get_residual(s_exp, s_calc, normalize=(4178, 4180))  # interpreted as 'nm'
  • normalize_how ('max', 'area', 'mean') – how to normalize. 'max' is the default but may not be suited for very noisy experimental spectra. 'area' will normalize the integral to 1. 'mean' will normalize by the mean amplitude value

  • wunit (str) – used if normalized is a range. If 'default', use first spectrum unit.

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default', use first spectrum unit


0 values for I1 yield nans except if I2 = I1 = 0

when s1 and s2 dont have the size wavespace range, they are automatically resampled through get_diff on ‘s1’ range

Implementation of L2 norm:


Implementation of L1 norm:


Returns integral of the difference between two spectra s1 and s2, relatively to the integral of spectrum s1.

Compared to get_residual(), this tends to cancel the effect of the gaussian noise of an experimental spectrum.

res = trapz(I2-I1, w1) / trapz(I1, w1)

Note: when the considered variable is transmittance or transmittance_noslit, the upper integral is used (up to 1) to normalize the integral difference

res = trapz(I2-I1, w1) / trapz(1-I1, w1)
  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects) – Spectrum

  • var (str) – spectral quantity

Other Parameters
  • ignore_nan (boolean) – if True, ignore nan in the difference between s1 and s2 (ex: out of bound) when calculating residual. Default False. Note: get_residual_integral will still fail if there are nan in initial Spectrum.

  • wunit (str) – If 'default', use first spectrum unit.

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default', use first spectrum unit


For I1, I2, the values of ‘var’ in s1 and s2, respectively, residual is calculated as:

res = trapz(I2-I1, w1) / trapz(I1, w1)

0 values for I1 yield nans except if I2 = I1 = 0

when s1 and s2 dont have the size wavespace range, they are automatically resampled through get_diff on ‘s1’ range

plot_diff(s1: Spectrum, s2: Spectrum, var=None, wunit='default', Iunit='default', resample=True, method='diff', diff_window=0, show_points=False, label1=None, label2=None, figsize=None, title=None, nfig=None, normalize=False, yscale='linear', verbose=True, save=False, show=True, show_residual=False, lw_multiplier=1, diff_scale_multiplier=1, discard_centile=0, plot_medium='vacuum_only', legendargs={'loc': 'best'}, show_ruler=False)[source]¶

Plot two spectra, and the difference between them. method= allows you to plot the absolute difference, ratio, or both.

If waveranges dont match, s2 is interpolated over s1.

  • s1, s2 (Spectrum objects)

  • var (str, or None) – spectral quantity to plot (ex: 'abscoeff'). If None, plot the first one in the Spectrum from 'radiance', 'radiance_noslit', 'transmittance', etc.

  • wunit ('default', 'nm', 'cm-1', 'nm_vac') – wavespace unit: wavelength air, wavenumber, wavelength vacuum. If 'default', use first spectrum wunit

  • Iunit (str) – if 'default', use first spectrum unit

  • method ('distance', 'diff', 'ratio', or list of them.) – If 'diff', plot difference of the two spectra. If 'distance', plot Euclidian distance (note that units are meaningless then) If 'ratio', plot ratio of two spectra Default 'diff'.


    with 'distance', calculation scales as ~N^2 with N the number of points in a spectrum (against ~N with 'diff'). This can quickly override all memory.

    Can also be a list:

    method=['diff', 'ratio']
  • normalize (bool) – Normalize the spectra to be ploted

Other Parameters

plot yscale

yscale: ‘linear’, ‘log diff_window: int

If non 0, calculates diff by offsetting s1 by diff_window number of units on either side, and returns the minimum. Kinda compensates for experimental errors on the w axis. Default 0. (look up code to understand…)

show_points: boolean

if True, make all points appear with ‘o’

label1, label2: str

curve names


figure size

nfig: int, str

figure number of name

title: str


verbose: boolean

if True, plot stuff such as rescale ratio in normalize mode. Default True

save: str

Default is False. By default won’t save anything, type the path of the destination if you want to save it (format in the name).

show: Bool

Default is True. Will show the plots : bad if there are more than 20.

show_residual: bool

if True, calculates and shows on the graph the residual in L2 norm. See get_residual(). diff_window is used in the residual calculation too. normalize has no effect.

diff_scale_multiplier: float

dilate the diff plot scale. Default 1

discard_centile: int

if not 0, discard the firsts and lasts centile when setting the limits of the diff window. Example:

discard_centile=1     #  --> discards the smallest 1% and largest 1%
discard_centile=10    #  --> discards the smallest 10% and largest 10%

Useful to remove spikes in a ratio, for instance. Note that this does not change the values of the residual. It’s just a plot feature. Default 0

plot_medium: bool, 'vacuum_only'

if True and wunit are wavelengths, plot the propagation medium in the xaxis label ([air] or [vacuum]). If 'vacuum_only', plot only if wunit=='nm_vac'. Default 'vacuum_only' (prevents from inadvertently plotting spectra with different propagation medium on the same graph).

legendargs: dict

format arguments forwarded to the legend

show_ruler: bool

if True, add a ruler tool to the Matplotlib toolbar.


still experimental in 0.9.30 ! Try it, feedback welcome !


  • fig (figure) – fig

  • [ax0, ax1] (axes) – spectra and difference axis


Simple use:

from radis import plot_diff
plot_diff(s10, s50)                # s10, s50 are two spectra

Advanced use, plotting the total power in the label, and getting the figure and axes handle to edit them afterwards:

Punit = 'mW/cm2/sr'
fig, axes = plot_diff(s10, s50, 'radiance_noslit', figsize=(18,6),
      label1='brd 10 cm-1, P={0:.2f} {1}'.format(s10.get_power(unit=Punit),Punit),
      label2='brd 50 cm-1, P={0:.2f} {1}'.format(s50.get_power(unit=Punit),Punit)
# modify fig, axes..

See an example in Compare two Spectra, which produces the output below:


If you wish to plot in a logscale, it can be done in the following way:

fig, [ax0, ax1] = plot_diff(s0, s1, normalize=False, verbose=False)
ylim0 = ax0.get_ybound()
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