.. _label_spectrum: =================== The Spectrum object =================== RADIS has powerful tools to post-process spectra created by :ref:`the line-by-line module ` or by other spectral codes. At the core of the post-processing is the :class:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum` class, which features methods to: - :ref:`generate Spectrum objects` from text files or python arrays. - :ref:`rescale a spectrum` without redoing the line-by-line calculation. - apply :ref:`instrumental slit functions`. - :ref:`plot` with one line and in whatever unit. - :ref:`crop, offset` or :ref:`interpolate `. - :ref:`remove baselines`. - :ref:`multiply or add constants` as simply as with ``s=10*s`` or ``s=s+0.2`` in Python. - :ref:`store` an experimental or a calculated spectrum while retaining the metadata. - :ref:`compare different spectra`. - combine multiple spectra along the :ref:`line-of-sight`. - manipulate a folder of spectra easily with :ref:`spectrum Databases`. - compute transmittance from absorbance, or whatever :ref:`missing spectral arrays`. - use the :ref:`line survey` tool to identify each line. .. minigallery:: radis.Spectrum Refer to the guide below for an exhaustive list of all features: --------------------------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 spectrum For any other question you can use the `Q&A forum `__, the `GitHub issues `__ or the community chats on `Gitter `__ or `Slack `__ . |badge_gitter| |badge_slack| --------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _label_howto_generate_spectrum: How to generate a Spectrum? =========================== Calculate a Spectrum -------------------- Usually a Spectrum object is the output from a line-by-line (LBL) radiation code. Refer to the LBL documentation for that. Example using the RADIS LBL module with :py:func:`~radis.lbl.calc.calc_spectrum`:: from radis import calc_spectrum s = calc_spectrum(...) # s is a Spectrum object Or with the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` class, which can be used to batch-generate multiple spectra using the same line database:: from radis import SpectrumFactory sf = SpectrumFactory(...) sf.fetch_databank("hitemp", load_columns='noneq') # or 'hitran', 'exomol', etc. s = sf.eq_spectrum(...) s2 = sf.non_eq_spectrum(...) Note that the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` class has the :meth:`~radis.lbl.loader.DatabankLoader.init_database` method that automatically retrieves a spectrum from a :class:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase` if you calculated it already, or calculates it and stores it if you didn't. Very useful for spectra that require long computational times! Initialize from Python arrays ----------------------------- The standard way to build a Radis Spectrum is from a dictionary of :py:mod:`numpy` arrays:: # w, k, I are numpy arrays for wavenumbers, absorption coefficient, and radiance. from radis import Spectrum s = Spectrum({"wavenumber":w, "abscoeff":k, "radiance_noslit":I}, units={"radiance_noslit":"mW/cm2/sr/nm", "abscoeff":"cm-1"}) Or:: s = Spectrum({"abscoeff":(w,k), "radiance_noslit":(w,I)}, wunit="cm-1" units={"radiance_noslit":"mW/cm2/sr/nm", "abscoeff":"cm-1"}) You can also use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.from_array` convenience function:: # w, T are two numpy arrays from radis import Spectrum s = Spectrum.from_array(w, T, 'transmittance_noslit', wunit='nm', unit='') # adimensioned Dimensionned arrays can also be used directly :: import astropy.units as u w = np.linspace(200, 300) * u.nm I = np.random.rand(len(w)) * u.mW/u.cm**2/u.sr/u.nm s = Spectrum.from_array(w, I, 'radiance_noslit') Other convenience functions have been added to handle the usual cases: :func:`~radis.spectrum.models.calculated_spectrum`, :func:`~radis.spectrum.models.transmittance_spectrum` and :func:`~radis.spectrum.models.experimental_spectrum`:: # w, T, I are numpy arrays for wavelength, transmittance and radiance from radis import calculated_spectrum, transmittance_spectrum, experimental_spectrum s1 = calculated_spectrum(w, I, wunit='nm', Iunit='W/cm2/sr/nm') # creates 'radiance_noslit' s2 = transmittance_spectrum(w, T, wunit='nm') # creates 'transmittance_noslit' s3 = experimental_spectrum(w, I, wunit='nm', Iunit='W/cm2/sr/nm') # creates 'radiance' Initialize from Specutils ------------------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.from_specutils` to convert from a ``specutils`` :py:class:`specutils.spectra.spectrum1d.Spectrum1D` object :: from radis import Spectrum Spectrum.from_specutils(spectrum) Initialize from a text file --------------------------- Spectrum objects can also be generated directly from a text file. From a file, use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.from_txt` :: # 'exp_spectrum.txt' contains a spectrum from radis import Spectrum s = Spectrum.from_txt('exp_spectrum.txt', 'radiance', wunit='nm', unit='mW/cm2/sr/nm') It is, however, recommended to use the RADIS ``.spec`` json format to store and load arrays : Load from a .spec file ---------------------- A ``.spec`` file contains all the Spectrum spectral arrays as well as the input conditions used to generate it. To retrieve it use the :func:`~radis.tools.database.load_spec` function:: s = load_spec('my_spectrum.spec') Sometimes the ``.spec`` file may have been generated under a compressed format where redundant spectral arrays have been removed (for instance, transmittance if you already know absorbance). Use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.update` method to regenerate missing spectral arrays:: s = load_spec('my_spectrum.spec', binary=True) s.update() If many spectra are stored in a folder, it may be time to set up a :class:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase` structure to easily see all Spectrum conditions and get Spectrum that suits specific parameters .. minigallery:: radis.load_spec Load from a HDF5 file --------------------- This is the fastest way to read a Spectrum object from disk. It keeps metadata and units, and you can also load only a part of a very large spectrum. Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.from_hdf5` :: Spectrum.from_hdf5("rad_hdf.h5", wmin=2100, wmax=2200, columns=['abscoeff', 'emisscoeff']) Calculate a test spectrum ------------------------- You need a spectrum immediatly, to run some tests ? Use :py:func:`~radis.test.utils.test_spectrum` :: s = radis.test_spectrum() s.apply_slit(0.5, 'nm') s.plot('radiance') This returns the CO spectrum from the :ref:`first documentation example ` .. figure:: examples/co_spectrum_700K.png :scale: 60 % Generate a Blackbody (Planck) function object --------------------------------------------- In RADIS you can either use the :func:`~radis.phys.blackbody.planck` and :func:`~radis.phys.blackbody.planck_wn` functions that generate Planck radiation arrays for wavelength and wavenumber, respectively. Or, you can use the :func:`~radis.phys.blackbody.sPlanck` function that returns a :class:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum` object, with all the associated methods (add in a line-of-sight, compare, etc.) Example:: s = sPlanck(wavelength_min=3000, wavelength_max=50000, T=288, eps=1) s.plot() .. minigallery:: radis.sPlanck .. _label_spectral_arrays: Spectral Arrays =============== A :class:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum` object can contain one spectral arrays, such as ``'radiance'`` for emission spectra, or ``'transmittance'`` for absorption spectra. It can also contain both emission and absorption quantities to be later combined with other spectra by solving the :ref:`radiative transfer equation `. Some variables represent quantities that have been convolved with an instrumental slit function, as measured in experimental spectra: - ``'radiance'``: the spectral radiance, convolved by the instrument function (typically in :math:``'mW/cm^2/sr/nm'``). This is sometimes confusingly called *spectral intensity*. - ``'transmittance'``: the directional spectral transmittance (:math:``0`` to :math:``1``), convolved by the instrument function. - ``'emissivity'``: the directional spectral emissivity (:math:``0`` to :math:``1``), convolved by the instrument function. The spectral emissivity is the radiance emitted by a surface divided by that emitted by a black body at the same temperature as that surface. This value is only defined under thermal equilibrium. Other variables represent quantities that have not been convolved (theoretical spectra): - ``'radiance_noslit'``: the spectral radiance (typically in :math:`mW/cm^2/sr/nm`). This is sometimes confusingly called *spectral intensity*. - ``'transmittance_noslit'``: the directional spectral transmittance (:math:``0`` to :math:``1``) - ``'emissivity_noslit'``: spectral emissivity (``0`` to ``1``) *i.e.* the radiance emitted by a surface divided by that emitted by a black body at the same temperature as that surface. This value is only defined under thermal equilibrium. - ``'emisscoeff'``: the directional spectral emission density (typically in :math:``'mW/cm^3/sr/nm'``). - ``'absorbance'``: the directional spectral absorbance (no dimension), also called *optical depth*. - ``'abscoeff'``: spectral absorption coefficient (typically in :math:``'cm^{-1}'``), also called *opacity*. This is sometimes found as the *extinction coefficient* in the literature (strictly speaking, *extinction* is *absorption* + *diffusion*, the latter being negligible in the infrared). - ``'xsection'``: absorption cross-section, typically in cm2 Additionally, RADIS may calculate extra quantities such as: - ``'emisscoeff_continuum'``: the pseudo-continuum part of the spectral emission density ``'emisscoeff'``, that can be generated by :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` - ``'abscoeff_continuum'`` the pseudo-continuum part of the spectral absorption coefficient ``'abscoeff'``, that can be generated by :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` See the latest list in the :data:`~radis.spectrum.utils.CONVOLUTED_QUANTITIES` and :data:`~radis.spectrum.utils.NON_CONVOLUTED_QUANTITIES`. Custom spectral arrays ---------------------- A :class:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum` object is built on top of a dictionary structure, and can handle spectral arrays with any name. Custom spectral arrays with arbitrary units can be defined when creating a Spectrum object, for instance:: # w, I are two numpy arrays s = Spectrum.from_array(w, I, 'irradiance', wunit='nm', unit='w/cm2/nm') Although not recommended, it is also possible to directly edit the dictionary containing the objects. For instance, this is done in `CO2 radiative forcing example `__ to calculate irradiance from radiance (by multiplying by ``'pi'`` and changing the unit):: s._q['irradiance'] = s.get('radiance_noslit')[1]*pi s.units['irradiance'] = s.units['radiance_noslit'].replace('/sr', '') The unit conversion methods will properly work with custom units. .. warning:: Rescaling or combining spectra with custom quantities may result in errors. Relations between quantities ---------------------------- Most of the quantities above can be recomputed from one another. In a homogeneous slab, one requires an emission spectral density, and an absorption spectral density, to be able to recompute the other quantities (provided that conditions such as path length are given). Under equilibrium, only one quantity is needed. Missing quantities can be recomputed automatically with the :meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.update` method. Units ----- Default units are stored in the :attr:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.units` dictionary It is strongly advised not to modify the dictionary above. However, spectral arrays can be retrieved in arbitrary units with the :meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get` method. When a spectral unit is convolved with :meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.apply_slit`, a new convolved spectral array is created. The unit of the convolved spectral array may be different, depending on how the slit function was normalized. Several options are available in RADIS. Please refer to the documentation of the :meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.apply_slit` method. How to access Spectrum properties? ================================== Get spectral arrays ------------------- Spectral Arrays of a Spectrum object can be stored in arbitrary wavespace (wavenumbers, wavelengths in air, or wavelengths in vacuum) and arbitrary units. Therefore, it is recommendeded to use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get` method to retrieve the quantity un the units you want:: w, I = s.get('transmittance_noslit', wunit='cm-1') _, R = s.get('radiance_noslit', wunit='nm', Iunit='W/cm2/sr/nm', medium='air') Use with `return_units` to get dimensioned Astropy Quantities :: w, R = s.get('radiance_noslit', return_units=True) # w, R are astropy quantities See :ref:`spectral arrays ` for the list of spectral arrays. Get wavelength/wavenumber ------------------------- Use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get_wavelength` and :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get_wavenumber` methods:: w_nm = s.get_wavelength() w_cm = s.get_wavenumber() Print Spectrum conditions ------------------------- Want to know under which calculation conditions was your Spectrum object generated, or under which experimental conditions it was measured? Just print it:: print(s) (that shows all spectral arrays stored in the object, all keys and values in the :attr:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.conditions` dictionary, and all atoms/molecules stored in the :attr:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.populations` dictionary) You can also show the conditions only with :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.print_conditions`:: s.print_conditions() .. _label_spectrum_plot: Plot spectral arrays -------------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.plot`:: s.plot('radiance_noslit') You can plot on the same figure as before using the convenient ``nfig`` parameter:: s_exp.plot('radiance_noslit', nfig='same') But for comparing different spectra you may want to use :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.plot_diff` directly. Plot populations ---------------- Get or plot populations computed in calculations. Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get_populations` or :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.plot_populations`:: s.plot_populations('vib', nunit='cm-3') .. minigallery:: radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get_populations .. _label_spectrum_linesurvey: Plot line survey ---------------- Use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.line_survey` method. Example of output:: from radis import SpectrumFactory sf = SpectrumFactory( wavenum_min=2380, wavenum_max=2400, mole_fraction=400e-6, path_length=100, # cm isotope=[1], ) sf.load_databank('HITRAN-CO2-TEST') s = sf.eq_spectrum(Tgas=1500) s.apply_slit(0.5) s.line_survey(overlay='radiance_noslit', barwidth=0.01) .. raw:: html .. minigallery:: radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.line_survey Know if a spectrum has nan -------------------------- :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.has_nan` looks over all spectral quantities. ``print(s)`` will also show the number of nans per quantity :: s = radis.test_spectrum() s.has_nan() How to export ? =============== .. _label_spectrum_store: Save a Spectrum object ---------------------- To store use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.store` method:: # s is a Spectrum object s.store('temp_file.spec') from radis import load_spec s2 = load_spec('temp_file.spec') assert s == s2 # compare both The generated ``.spec`` file can be read (and edited) with any text editor. However, it may take a lot of space. If memory is important, you may use the ``compress=True`` argument which will remove redundant spectral arrays (for instance, transmittance if you already know absorbance), and store the .spec file under binary format. Use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.update` method to regenerate missing quantities:: s.store('temp_file.spec', compress=True, if_exists_then='replace') s2 = load_spec('temp_file.spec') s2.update() # regenerate missing quantities If calculating many spectra, you may want to handle all of them together in a :class:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase`. You can add them to the existing database with the :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase.add` method:: db = SpecDatabase(r"path/to/database") # create or loads database db.add(s) Note that if using the RADIS LBL code to generate your spectra, the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` class has the :meth:`~radis.lbl.loader.DatabankLoader.init_database` method that automatically retrieves a spectrum from a database if you calculated it already, or calculates it and stores it if you didn't. Very useful for spectra that requires long computational times! Export to hdf5 -------------- This is the fastest way to dump a Spectrum object on disk (and also, it keeps metadata and therefore units !). Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.to_hdf5` :: s.to_hdf5('spec01.h5') Export to txt ------------- Saving to ``.txt`` in general isn't recommended as you will loose some information (for instance, the conditions). You better use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.store` and export to ``.spec`` [a hidden ``.json``] format. If you really need to export a given spectral arrays to txt file (for use in another software, for instance), you can use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.savetxt` method that will export a given spectral arrays:: s.savetxt('radiance_W_cm2_sr_um.csv', 'radiance_noslit', wunit='nm', Iunit='W/cm2/sr/µm') Export to Pandas ---------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.to_pandas` :: s.to_pandas() This will return a DataFrame with all spectral arrays as columns. Export to Specutils ------------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.to_specutils` to convert to a to ``specutils`` :py:class:`specutils.spectra.spectrum1d.Spectrum1D` object :: s.to_specutils() .. minigallery:: radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.to_specutils How to modify a Spectrum object? ================================ .. _label_spectrum_missing_quantities: Calculate missing quantities ---------------------------- Some spectral arrays can be infered from quantities stored in the Spectrum if enough conditions are given. For instance, transmittance can be recomputed from the spectral absorption coefficient if the path length is stored in the conditions. The :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.rescale.update` method can be used to do that. In the example below, we recompute transmittance from the absorption coefficient (opacity) :: # w, A are numpy arrays for wavenumber and absorption coefficient s = Spectrum.from_array(w, A, 'abscoeff', wunit='cm-1') s.update('transmittance_noslit') All derivable quantities can be computed using ``.update('all')`` or simply ``.update()``:: s.update() Update Spectrum conditions -------------------------- Spectrum conditions are stored in a :attr:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.conditions` dictionary Conditions can be updated *a posteriori* by modifying the dictionary:: s.conditions['path_length'] = 10 # cm .. _label_spectrum_rescale: Rescale Spectrum with new path length ------------------------------------- Path length can be changed after the spectra were calculated with the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.rescale_path_length` method. If the spectrum is not optically thin, this requires solving the radiative transfer equation again, so the ``emisscoeff`` and ``abscoeff`` (opacity) quantities will have to be stored in the Spectrum, or any equivalent combination (radiance_noslit and absorbance, for instance). Example:: from radis import load_spec s = load_spec('co_calculation.spec') s.rescale_path_length(0.5) # calculate for new path_length Rescale Spectrum with new mole fraction --------------------------------------- .. warning:: Rescaling mole fractions neglects the changes in collisional broadening mole fraction can also be changed in post-processing, using the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.rescale_mole_fraction` method that works similarly to the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.rescale_path_length` method. However, the broadening coefficients are left unchanged, which is valid for small mole fraction changes. However, for large mole fraction changes you will have to recalculate the spectrum from scratch. >>> s.rescale_mole_fraction(0.02) # calculate for new mole fraction .. _label_spectrum_apply_slit: Apply instrumental slit function -------------------------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.apply_slit`:: s.apply_slit(1.5) # nm By default, convoluted spectra are thinner than non-convoluted spectra, to remove side effects. Use the ``mode=`` argument to change this behavior. .. minigallery:: radis.Spectrum.apply_slit Plot the slit function that was applied --------------------------------------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.plot_slit`. You can also change the unit:: s.apply_slit(0.5, 'cm-1') # for instance s.plot_slit('nm') .. _label_spectrum_algebra: Multiply, subtract ------------------ Sometimes you need to manipulate an experimental spectrum, to account for calibration or remove a baseline. Spectrum operations are done just for that: - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.add_constant` - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.add_array` - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.add_spectra` - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.substract_spectra` Most of these functions are implemented with the standard operators. Ex:: ((s_exp - 0.1)*10).plot() # works for a Spectrum s_exp Note that these operators are purely algebraic and should not be used in place of the line-of-sight functions, i.e, :py:func:`~radis.los.slabs.SerialSlabs` (``>``) and :py:func:`~radis.los.slabs.MergeSlabs` (``//``) Most of these functions will only work if there is only one `spectral arrays `__ defined in the Spectrum. If there is any ambiguity, use the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.take` method. For instance, the following line is a valid RADIS command to plot the spectral radiance of a spectrum with a low resolution:: (10*(s.apply_slit(10, 'nm')).take('radiance')).plot() Algebraic operations also work with dimensioned `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity`. For instance, remove a constant baseline in a given unit:: s -= 0.1 * u.Unit('W/cm2/sr/nm') The :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.max` function returns a dimensionned value, therefore it can be used to normalize a spectrum directly : :: s /= s.max() Or below, we calibrate a Spectrum, assuming the spectrum units is in "count", and that our calibration show we have 94 :math:`mW/cm2/sr/nm` per count. :: s *= 94 * u.Unit("mW/cm2/sr/nm") / u.Unit("count") .. _label_spectrum_offset_crop: Offset, crop ------------ Use the associated functions: :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.crop`, :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.offset`. They are also defined as methods of the Spectrum objects (see :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.crop`, :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.offset`), so they can be used directly with:: s.offset(3, 'nm') s.crop(370, 380, 'nm') By default, using methods that will modify the object in place, using the functions will generate a new Spectrum. .. minigallery:: radis.Spectrum.crop Normalize --------- Use :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.normalize` directly, if your spectrum only has one spectral arrays :: s.normalize() s.normalize(normalize_how="max") s.normalize(normalize_how="area") You can also normalize only on limited range. Useful for noisy spectra :: s.normalize(wrange=(2250, 2500), wunit="cm-1", normalize_how="mean") This returns a new spectrum and does not modify the Spectrum itself. To do so use:: s.normalize(inplace=True) .. _label_spectrum_chaining: Chaining -------- You can chain the various methods of Spectrum. For instance:: s.normalize().plot() Or:: s.crop(4120, 4220, 'nm').apply_slit(3, 'nm').take('radiance') If you want to create a new spectrum, don't forget to set ``inplace=False`` for the first command that allows it. i.e :: s2 = s.crop(4120, 4220, 'nm', inplace=False).apply_slit(3, 'nm').offset(1.5, 'nm') .. _label_spectrum_remove_baseline: Remove a baseline ----------------- Either use the :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.add_constant` mentionned above, which is implemented with the ``-`` operator:: s2 = s - 0.1 Or remove a linear baseline with: - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.get_baseline` - :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.operations.sub_baseline` You could also use the functions available in :py:mod:`pyspecutils`, see :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.to_specutils`. Calculate transmittance from radiance with Kirchoff's law --------------------------------------------------------- RADIS can be used to infer spectral arrays from others if they can be derived. If on top that, equilibrium is assumed, then Kirchoff's law is used. See ``How to ... calculate missing quantities?`` and the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.rescale.update` method with argument ``assume_equilibrium=True``. Example:: s = calculated_spectrum(...) # defines 'radiance_noslit') s.update('transmittance_noslit') s.plot('transmittance_noslit') You can infer if a Spectrum is at (thermal) equilibrium with the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.is_at_equilibrium` method, that looks up the declared spectrum conditions and ensures ``Tgas==Tvib==Trot``. It does not imply chemical equilibrium (mole fractions are still arbitrary) How to handle multiple Spectra? =============================== .. _label_spectrum_line_of_sight: Build a line-of-sight profile ----------------------------- RADIS allows the combination of Spectra such as:: s_line_of_sight = (s_plasma_CO2 // s_plasma_CO) > (s_room_absorption) Refer to the `line-of-sight module `__ .. _label_spectrum_howto_compare: Compare two Spectra ------------------- You can compare two Spectrum objects using the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.compare_with` method, or simply the ``==`` statement (which is essentially the same thing):: s1 == s2 >>> True/False s1.compare_with(s2) >>> True/False However, :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.compare_with` allows more freedom regarding what quantities to compare. ``==`` will compare everything of two spectra, including input conditions, units under which spectral quantities are stored, populations of species if they were saved, etc. In many situations, we may want to simply compare the spectra themselves, or even a particular quantity like *transmittance_noslit*. Use:: s1.compare_with(s2, spectra_only=True) # compares all spectral arrays s1.compare_with(s2, spectra_only='transmittance_noslit') # compares transmittance only The aforementionned methods will return a boolean array (True/False). If you need the difference, or ratio, or distance, between your two spectra, or simply want to plot the difference, you can use one of the predefined functions :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_diff`, :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_ratio`, :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_distance`, :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_residual` or the plot function :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.plot_diff`:: from radis.spectrum import plot_diff s1 = load_spec(temp_file_name) s2 = load_spec(temp_file_name2) plot_diff(s1, s2, 'radiance') These functions usually require that the spectra are calculated on the same spectral range. When comparing, let's say, a calculated spectrum with experimental data, you may want to interpolate: you can have a look at the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.resample` method. See :ref:`Interpolate a Spectrum on another ` for details. In :func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.plot_diff`, you can choose to plot the absolute difference (``method='diff'``), or the ratio (``method='ratio'``), or both:: # Below we compare 2 CO2 spectra s_cdsd and s_hitemp previously calculated with two different line databases. from radis import plot_diff plot_diff(s_cdsd, s_hitemp, method=['diff', 'ratio']) .. image:: cdsd4000_vs_hitemp_3409K.* :alt: https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/cdsd4000_vs_hitemp_3409K.svg Plot in log scale ----------------- If you wish to plot in a logscale, it can be done in the following way:':: fig, [ax0, ax1] = plot_diff(s_expe, s_test, normalize=False, verbose=False) ylim0 = ax0.get_ybound() ax0.set_yscale("log") ax0.set_ybound(ylim0) Fit an experimental spectrum ---------------------------- RADIS does not include fitting algorithms. To fit an experimental spectrum, one should use one of the widely available optimization algorithms from the Python ecosystem, for instance :py:func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. The :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_residual` and :py:func:`~radis.spectrum.compare.get_residual_integral` functions can be used to return a scalar to feed to the :py:func:`~scipy.optimize.minimize` function. A simple fitting procedure could be:: from scipy.optimize import minimize from radis import calc_spectrum, experimental_spectrum s_exp = experimental_spectrum(...) def cost_function(T): calc_spectrum(Tgas=T, ... # other parameters ) return get_residual(s_exp, s) best = minimize(cost_function, 800, # initial value bounds=[500, 2000], ) T_best = best.x Note however that the performances of a fitting procedure can be vastly improved by not reloading the line database every time. In that case, it becomes interesting to use the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory` class. An example of a script that uses the :class:`~radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory`, multiple fitting parameters, and plots the residual and the calculated spectrum in real-time, can be found :ref:`in the Examples page ` .. _label_spectrum_howto_interpolate: Interpolate a Spectrum on another --------------------------------- Let's interpolate a calculated spectrum on an experimental spectrum, using the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.resample` and, for instance, the :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.get_wavelength` method:: # let's say we have two objects: s_exp = load_spec('...') s_calc = calc_spectrum(...) # resample: s_calc.resample(s_exp.get_wavelength(), 'nm') Energy conservation is ensured and an error is raised if your interpolation is too bad. If you need to adjust the error threshold, see the parameters in :py:meth:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum.resample`. .. _label_spectrum_database: Create a database of Spectrum objects ------------------------------------- Use the :class:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase` class. It takes a folder as an argument, and converts it in a list of :class:`~radis.spectrum.spectrum.Spectrum` objects. Then, you can: - see the properties of all spectra within this folder with :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecList.see` - select the Spectrum that match a given set of conditions with :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecList.get`, :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecList.get_unique` and :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecList.get_closest` - fit an experimental spectrum against all precomputed spectra in the folder with :py:meth:`~radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase.fit_spectrum` See more information about databases below. .. include:: _database.rst .. |badge_gitter| image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg :target: https://gitter.im/radis-radiation/community :alt: Gitter .. |badge_slack| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join-green.svg?logo=slack :target: https://radis.github.io/slack-invite/ :alt: Slack