======== General description ======== .. include:: description.rst Features ======== RADIS is both an infrared :ref:`line-by-line code ` and a :ref:`post-processing library `. It includes: - Absorption and emission spectra of all [HITRAN-2020]_ and [ExoMol-2020]_ species under equilibrium calculations (:py:data:`~radis.db.MOLECULES_LIST_EQUILIBRIUM`) - Absorption and emission spectra of CO2 and CO for non-LTE calculations (see :py:data:`~radis.db.MOLECULES_LIST_NONEQUILIBRIUM` ) - A common API to Different Line Databases: support of [HITRAN-2020]_, [HITEMP-2010]_, [CDSD-4000]_, [ExoMol-2020]_, [GEISA-2020]_ line databases (see :py:data:`~radis.lbl.loader.KNOWN_DBFORMAT`). The API is also compatible with the :py:mod:`exojax` code. - Calculation of rovibrational energies of molecules, see :ref:`database handling `. - Calculation of equilibrium and nonequilibrium partition functions, see :ref:`database handling `. - Spatially heterogeneous spectra, see :ref:`see line-of-sight ` - Post-processing tools to load and :ref:`compare with experimental spectra ` - A :ref:`Line Survey ` tool to identify which lines correspond to a spectral feature. - A :ref:`Matlab implementation `) RADIS does *not* include, so far: - Line-mixing effects and speed-dependant lineshapes. [HAPI]_ is a Python alternative that does it. - Collisional-induced absorption (CIA) or emission. - Electronic states other than electronic ground states - Hamiltonian calculations (a private module for CO2 is available `on request `__) - Raman spectra (contribute in `#43 `__) RADIS also features: - :ref:`High Performances `: spectra are calculated up to several orders of magnitude faster than equivalent line-by-line codes. - In-the-browser calculations (no install needed) : see :ref:`🌱 RADIS Online `. - Automatic download of the latest HITRAN and HITEMP databases with :py:func:`~radis.lbl.calc.calc_spectrum` - Automatic testing and continuous integration tools for a reliable :ref:`Open-source Development `. New features ============ RADIS is open-source, so everyone can contribute to the code development or suggest new features in our `GitHub page `__. Read the :ref:`Developer Guide ` to get started. .. image:: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg :target: https://gitter.im/radis-radiation/community :alt: Gitter .. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join-green.svg?logo=slack :target: https://radis.github.io/slack-invite/ :alt: Slack